This week I have been reading Ten Girls Who Made a Difference. I would like to tell you about one of the girls who made a difference. Her name is Monica and she prayed for her son named Augustine for him to convert to Christianity. If you are not a Christian, and you are on this blog, email me and I would be happy to answer questions. I don't have all the answers, but I have some. Now back to Monica, her son Augustine didn't care much about anything...just to have fun. She prayed for at least ten years for him. He finally converted to Christianity and he became a saint. So some of the worst people who are not Christians can become the best Christians of all.
Today my dad built a super cool zip line in my back yard. It is super duper wooper cool zip line that goes from our pine tree to our club house. It is made out of steel cable that is pulled real tight. We are still working on getting it perfect, but it is very good. If you are a dad and reading this blog (I hope not only ladies are reading this blog), you could build a zip line for your kids. They will love you. You can call my dad for the plans from his head.
Keep reading!