I'll say is again, I am sorry. First I should undecode the puzzle that I gave to you in my last post. The answer is "I might move to Colorado". As you may know, moving is very busy so I didn't have time to tell you, but I think that you might already know. We have moved to Denver, Colorado.
Denver is very different from Houston. In the morning it is chilly and I have to wear a sweatshirt. Can you believe I have to wear a sweatshirt in August? Another thing that is different here is that people bring their dogs everywhere! For example, I went to a fencing camp and the owner had 3 dogs that just hung around while we fenced. It was awkward. Another awkward thing is that we live near a prison. It has razor wire and electric fences that nobody could literally get out of. My mom says that those things are just the way they are when you live in the city. The altitude is very high and that also has made our family not feel very well. I have to drink 2X the amount of water that I normally drink in Texas. Some things I like about my new town are: the Farmer Market I can walk to on Sunday mornings, we live in a gorgeous neighborhood, I can see the mountains all the time, and there are not as many mosquitoes.
Even though I haven't been able to post for a while, I have been reading. Did you notice that I have finished 70 books now? I am on target! My mom took us to the Denver Public Library. It is ginormous! It has three floors and each floor was about the size of our library in Texas. This is the big library that is downtown and it is fabulous. While we were there, the librarian helped me find a really good book and also helped me order some other really great books. These were the books I got. "Holes", "Dragon Slippers", and "The Capture: Guardians of Ga'hoole". So far, I have liked "Dragon Slippers" the best, but they are all totally different and I am only on chapter 5 of "The Capture". I think you might want to know that the "Guardians of Ga'hoole" will be coming out as a movie sometime.
The pictures that are at the top are of me enjoying my new town. The picture of me with the purple flowers is in the front courtyard and you can see the house where I live. We are just renting it, but we really like it.
Have a good rest of your summer. Keep reading. I want y' all to know, that I miss you and would like to hear how you are doing.
Love from Denver,