Happy late Thanksgiving and early Christmas. I am sorry I haven't posted in a very long time. I have been "Busy as a Bee" as you can see from my title. I went to my grandparents for Thanksgiving in Southern California (5 hours away!). It was a pretty car ride because we (my mom, sister, my dog, and I) got to drive along the ocean where it meets the hills. We spent some time with my dad's family having a soup and sandwich get-together which was lots of fun. I got to see my cousins which I hadn't seen for a long time. My cousin Taylor and I sat by the fire, roasted marshmallows and talked. It was delightful! We had Thanksgiving with my mom's parents (my grandparents) and I made a discovery. I like MASHED POTATOES! I learned that you peel the potatoes, boil them, put seasoning in them and eat them. Yummy, yummy, yummy! Up till now, I thought I hated them. I never ate them anywhere. Maybe I had made a mistake and eaten the box kind, I don't know. But my grandma's mashed potatoes were delicious! They make a pretty good mountain on your plate.
Did you know that I am good at geometry? Ok, not so much, but recently I played the part of Euclid in an historical tableau at my school. I don't really know what geometry is except for shapes. I know what a circle, square, triangle, and octagon are, but I don't really know what geometry is other than that. So, I was Euclid in the painting School of Athens and was located at the bottom right hand corner. Euclid is an old, grumpy looking, over weight, almost bald man in the painting. When I chose Euclid, I thought I was choosing the student next to him which was a young, handsome man dressed in a green cloak with brown long hair...exactly like mine. But alas, I got the old grumpy looking Euclid. So I dressed up in a dress that my Grandma Wathen made me (this dress has really been put to great use and gone a LONG way) added a toga, and put some nylons on my head so I would look bald. In the tableau, there was actually a boy who shaved his head like a monk for his part, but I would not go that far. History Day was a wonderful experience. Next year, I will be more careful who I choose!
Coming up in my next post, I will be telling you about some important changes in my life. Stay tuned. Watch your computer all hours of the day. You never know when I will post and you don't want to miss this.
I promise I'll post soon- hopefully Wednesday.
Goodbye my friends!