I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have written to all my people. It is Spring Break so I have a good chance to be writing more and reading. It's a rainy day in Texas and my mama, my sister, and I will be heading to the library right after this to check out books for the week. This is heaven. I love the library because it smells of nice old books. They also have some comfy nooks where I like to sit on the animal bean bags and read forever.
I must tell you something hilarious. Last night, my sister fell asleep while playing with her silly putty. So, this morning she found a treasure in her hair. She woke up my parents telling them she had an emergency. My mom looked up on the computer all different ways to get it out. **Just in case you ever need to know how to get silly putty out of your hair, here it is. My dad put rubbing alcohol in my sisters hair and it melted the silly putty out. Then you put olive oil all over the hair and comb it out. This takes the most time. After you do this add some more olive oil to the hair (because the alcohol makes it very dry) and put a shower cap on for a few hours. When you wash it out, wash it well, and ta da! The hair is finished.
Last Saturday I competed in Y10 Womens Foil. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's fencing. I love poking people. It's so fun. A funny thing happened while I was waiting to fence. A bigger girl, Mary, came up to me and said to her mom, "Look mom, there is a little person." (PS, I am not that little!) Then she kept talking about how cute I was. It really made me as mad as a hornet, but I held my temper and just smiled. Then she told me that she was going to poke me. Since I was mad, I told her that I was going to poke her. So then I became known as "The Cute Girl who Pokes". I took third place in the tournament out of seven girls. Mary ended up in first place, but she is 12 years old and taller and has long arms. Next time, she should be prepared to be killed.
Lastly, I want to tell you about "The Pagemaster". I like fantasy worlds. The book is about a boy who is scared of everything until he goes into the library and begins to read. His life changes through "talking books" and the adventures with his new "book buddies". It was a great book and the illustrations are the best. I have included a picture of these illustrations for you to see.
Did you see that I finished book 29? Can you believe it? I am over a quarter of the way there. I am wondering what the bottom of my blog will look like when I am finished with my 100 books. Please keep suggesting books. I would also like to hear about what you are reading. You are reading aren't you? Don't stop reading just because you have nothing to read. I bet there is a library in your town too.
Hi Grace, It has been awhile since you have written. Papa and I loved the pictures and are amazed you have read 29 books. I have been very busy with friends and social events here in the park so have not been reading much oter than my Bible and Bible study stuff.I have several books on hand that I want to read though. Poor Faith-Marie! Her hair won't need to be conditioned for a long time. Tell her I said Hi and I love you both.
ReplyDeleteHi gracie,
ReplyDeleteYesterday I finished the 4th book in the Lightning Thief series it is called The Battle of the Labyrinth and now I am on the final book. Happy reading !!!
Hi Gracie.
ReplyDeleteI have several things to say to you...First and foremost? Congratulations on your progress..29 books?! that is awesome.
As far as being "The Cute Girl Who Pokes"? Good for you! Wear it like a badge of honor.
Let me tell you a quick story. When I was 5 I started being on swim teams. I was always the smallest kid and I did pretty well (my family joked I was part fish) and I used to sometimes get kinda messed with by older, bigger kids because nobody likes to come in 4th behind the "little kid" and not get a ribbon, right?
Well when I was 8 we were at a swim meet that had an Olympic diving platform and some older kids threatened to throw me off the platform and I told them they didn't have to because I would just jump.
In case you don't know, it's about 33 feet high and by the time you hit the water you are going 40 miles per hour. So I did it and when my mom picked me up they told her about it...I was "the kid that jumps off things" after that.
It's cool. Show no fear, you'll poke her quite well next time, right?
And, one last thing?
You are right about the smell of books, there is nothing like it. Sometimes I go into a bookstore with REALLY old books...the smell almost hugs you it is so much.
Keep reading, keep fencing (Parry! Thrust!Parry!)
Your friend,
I love libraries and the smells too. In fact I worked in one when I lived in IL in the Children's dept. But, there is a professor at Biola who is actually allergic to books! Isn't that terrible?! He can't even read a Bible made of ink and paper (he uses an electronic one). I personally think that would be the worst allergy ever! No bookstores, libraries, etc.
ReplyDeleteI am reading a book called The Help. I just finished one about the tooth fairy called What the Dickens.
Hi Grace,
ReplyDeleteFresh squeezed orange juice, sounds delicious! You and sister were bug juice drinkers when you were babies and threw tantrums when mom did'nt let you have it.I will see you next monthfor birthdays and check out what you are reading then. You will probably be on the next one by then. Keep Reading. You're doing great!