What I am reading today!

  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Girls Who Make A Difference!

Hi again. I am back. On Thursday, I had a medieval feast. I dressed up as Sabra from St. George and the Dragon. See me. I am in the brownish orange dress on the right. I am with my friends Sabra and Sabra (Charisa and Madison). We got to eat everything with our hands...everything, including cherry pie.

This week I have been reading Ten Girls Who Made a Difference. I would like to tell you about one of the girls who made a difference. Her name is Monica and she prayed for her son named Augustine for him to convert to Christianity. If you are not a Christian, and you are on this blog, email me and I would be happy to answer questions. I don't have all the answers, but I have some. Now back to Monica, her son Augustine didn't care much about anything...just to have fun. She prayed for at least ten years for him. He finally converted to Christianity and he became a saint. So some of the worst people who are not Christians can become the best Christians of all.

Today my dad built a super cool zip line in my back yard. It is super duper wooper cool zip line that goes from our pine tree to our club house. It is made out of steel cable that is pulled real tight. We are still working on getting it perfect, but it is very good. If you are a dad and reading this blog (I hope not only ladies are reading this blog), you could build a zip line for your kids. They will love you. You can call my dad for the plans from his head.

Keep reading!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pandy Gets Vain

My best friend, Teah, suggested a book called "Pandora Gets Vain". I found it at the book store but didn't buy it because the back of the book said, "a totally adorable boy/bodyguard..." I told my mom that I didn't want it because I thought it was going to be about boyfriends and girlfriends. That kind of book really isn't the best book for me.

So my mom bought the book as a surprise for me a few months later. I had a choice between reading "Peter Pan" and "Pandora Gets Vain" and I just didn't feel like "Peter Pan" at the time, so I started the other book. From the first page, I loved it.

This book is funny, scary, strange, and cool. It's about 3 girls and a boy named Homer (you know he's the one who wrote books). These 3 girls are trying to capture Vanity, which is a mirror. Vanity has escaped from Pandora's box. Ooops. I think you already know the story of Pandora and her box so I won't tell you all about that. If you don't, you can find out about it on the internet or find a book at your library, which is full of books.

One of my favorite parts is when Pandora is almost skewered by a long pole, so that an Egyptian god may eat her. Pandora, however, has one "power". She is able to throw burning coals out of her hands. Instead of being skewered, she burns all of the poles. I loved that part because she out smarted them. It's great when the little girl out smarts the evil old god!

The ending of the book is a really good one. I won't ruin it for you but it's also a little sad. There are 2 more books in this series. They are "Pandora Gets Jealous" and "Pandora Gets Lazy" I want to get the lazy book next. Thank you Teah for the suggestion, I really loved the book. You are a loyal friend,. Teah Marie and I will trust you next time with your book choices.