What I am reading today!

  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Thursday, January 7, 2010

First Week

At school I am reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and I am loving it so far. Did you know that Willy Wonka created a blue birds egg made of chocolate? When you put it into your mouth it slowly gets smaller and smaller until all that is left is a tiny pink baby bird made of sugar, on your tongue. I would really like to have one because it sounds delicious and cute.

Yesterday and today I recieved packages in the mail! The first was a book that my mom ordered named "Parzivel by Katherine Paterson". It has a list of the characters in the story and tells about them on the first few pages. This story is about Knighthood and the Code of Chivalry. I am interested in reading about Parzivel and all of his adventures. Thank you Ms. Linda for suggesting the book. My second package came today and in it was 3 books that all look really good. Thank you Ms. Laura for sending me 3 wonderful books. There are so many interesting books that I don't know which I will choose next.

This weekend the weather is supposed to be cold for Houston, it may even snow! My plan is to bundle up in my mom and dad's bed with the chubby comforter, drink hot chocolate, and READ. I'll probably play a little with my sister and our American Girl Dolls too. This is going to be a good winter weekend!

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